G. Vanaja
B. SC, B. Ed-Biology and English,
M. A-English, PGDELT, M. Ed
Dear Parent,
We, at Akshara Vaagdevi International School, Secunderabad, are of the firm belief that there are two things that we can give to our children, first firm roots and second strong wings. It is for this reason that the entire focus is on the wholesome growth of the child and to provide an atmosphere for multifaceted development. The school program features a holistic, integrated approach where child-centered activities, play, open-ended tasks, explicit teaching,
and targeted structured activities provide a balanced curriculum. Importantly, stress is made on learning that is activity-based and aimed at inculcating a scientific bent of mind with the freedom to question how and why. With praise, encouragement, enthusiasm, and affection used as tools to nurture talent, skills, and abilities; children are encouraged to imbibe values of tolerance, fair play, compassion, integrity, fortitude, a good moral character and a strong sense of discipline.
The curriculum aims at enhancing physical, analytical and cognitive skills of our children, and at the same time preparing them for the next level of learning, to ensure a smooth and easy transition. An attempt will be made to implement a distinctive blend of offerings in the areas of knowledge and enterprise. If innovation and novel conceptions are key to an effulgent future, then we can surely remain assured of our place under the pedagogic sun.
Recently, we join hands with Pallavi Group of Schools and look forward to shaping our institution as a model for others. Initiatives to provide a new infrastructure are already in progress and we look forward to a wonderful school year ahead, for our children.
I am confident that together we can make Akshara Vaagdevi International School, an even better place for students to learn, grow and take their place in a vastly changing society. We seek and welcome your support to help us make your child’s experience here, the best possible foundation for his/her future